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Jewish and Christian Tours

Jerusalem and arround

Jerusalem is a rare and fascinating jewel, where just by crossing the street you can skip from the modern life of the 21st century to a place lost in time. 

You can choose between several options:

Christian Pilgrimage Tours

Many travelers to the Holy Land are restricted to a predetermined tour schedule and tend to visit sites marked by impressive churches or ancient ruins. My opinion is that many hills and valleys, towns and villages also have claim to historic fame. Bible stories take on a whole new dimension as they become real historical events that involved real people. 

I would like to show you the Holy Land with the bible in my hands and follow in the footsteps of prophets and kings, and even walk where Jesus walked. 

Jewish Heritage Tours

Almost 4,000 years after Abraham came to the Promised Land by the Lord's decree, many generations have lived here, have moved on and left behind their homes, cultures and traditions. They built the 1st and 2nd temples, "Beit HaElohim - House of God" on Mt. Moria in Jerusalem, which were destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. There were great kings who led the nations and also great revolts against the Hellenic and Roman empires. We, the Jews, have always had a presence here, and for the last 2,000 years we have dreamed to return, finally succeeding in doing so during the 20th century. 

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